Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Spider-Man in Civil War: Not a great plan

Ok guys, here it is, an unpopular opinion that will get me hated on!

Alright, here goes: I think including Spider-Man in Civil War might be a huge mistake.

Willing to hear me out? Ok, great. Let me just start by saying that I am a HUGE Marvel fan, and can't wait to see Civil War. I am also really excited for Spider-Man, and think Tom Holland will do amazing. However, I don't think Civil War is the right place for his MCU debut.

Civil War is packing in about as much as one movie can possibly hold, with the known focuses being Cap and Tony Stark's conflict over the Sokovia Accords, the reunion of Cap and non-brainwashed assassin Bucky, the introduction of Black Panther, and the introduction of Spider Man. All of these plot lines are really important and interesting, and each of them should receive more detail than they might get, but I'm convinced Marvel can pull it off. However, in the midst of all this stuff, Spider-Man doesn't seem to really fit in. Spider-Man, who is one of the if not the most well known Marvel hero, deserves more than a backseat in a story that revolves around Captain America, Iron Man, the Winter Soldier, Crossbones, and Baron Zemo. He deserves what all most MCU character got up until now: an actual movie. Yes, yes I know that he will get one, but a character this big deserves a movie BEFORE you throw him in to a giant war full of tons of other fully established heroes. Spider-Man doesn't seem central to to any of the multiple conflicts, and it is possible he will just be completely glossed over, and be a side treat rather than the main plot point and character he deserves to be.

Also, Spider-Man especially is about the character, the person behind the mask, and I'm worried he will be used as a plot device.

Do you agree? Do you think I'm a jackass? post your opinion in the comments!

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